Nyeste testversjon av Windows 10 har en innebygget virtuell styreflate. Trykk på bildet for full versjon.
Nyeste testversjon av Windows 10 har en innebygget virtuell styreflate. Trykk på bildet for full versjon.


Den nye Windows 10-testversjonen har en nyttig funksjon du kanskje ikke har tenkt på

Microsoft holder tempoet oppe og sender stadig ut nye testversjoner av Windows 10 i Redstone 2-grenen, også kjent som «Creators Update».

Nyttig for dem med nettbrett
Testversjon 14965 som ble sluppet i går kveld norsk tid, inneholder forbedringer til klistrelapper, Windows Ink, adressefanen i registeret og en nyttig funksjon for nettbrettbrukerne.

Microsoft har gjort det enklere – frem til nå har det vært svært knotete – å styre innhold på en skjerm nummer to via et nettbrett- En virtuell styreflate gjør at man slipper å koble til en PC-mus.

Dette gjøres ved å trykke og holde på oppgavelinjen etter du har koblet til en ekstern skjerm. Velg «Show touchpad button» for å få opp styreflaten. Under Innstillinger – Enheter – Styrepute kan man endre innstillingene for den virtuelle.


Mange feilrettinger
Er du en del av «Fast Ring» kan du sjekke Windows Update for å laste ned den siste testversjonen. Det gjelder også for Windows 10 Mobile-brukere.

Dette er fikset i 14965:

  • We have fixed the issue causing Internet Explorer to crash a few seconds after launch.
  • We fixed an issue where, when using Cortana in French (France or Canada), the “Prendre une <photo/video/selfie>” (take a picture, video, or selfie) command was redirecting to a Bing search rather than opening the Camera app as expected.
  • We’ve made some graphics improvements so the system will now respond better when WIN + L is pressed while playing a full screen game.
  • We’ve updated the ALT + F4 Shutdown dialog to better respond to DPI changes when connected to an external monitor. We also fixed an issue where the tooltips for the taskbar notification area items would be incorrectly sized after a DPI change until rebooting the machine or otherwise signing out and back in.
  • We’ve fixed an issue where File Explorer might crash when creating or renaming a folder on a network share.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in the text on the Outlook Calendar tile on the Start menu being slightly fuzzy.
  • We fixed an issue where deleted files might reappear in File Explorer with a 0 byte size.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in a Windows Default Lock Screen window sometimes appearing after logging in.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in File Explorer crashing after right-clicking an app in Task Manager and selecting “Open File Location”.
  • We’ve updated our migration logic so that going forward from Build 14965, preferred UAC settings, startup shortcuts, and File Explorer folders that had been pinned to the Start menu will all now be preserved across upgrades.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in vertical lists written in XAML, such as those found in Groove Music, unexpectedly animating in from the side.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in Cortana crashing if you typed “Create an appointment” then clicked on the resulting suggestion to “Create an appointment”.
  • We fixed an issue where in Microsoft Edge, after cancelling a file download, the progress bar for the next file downloaded might appear to be stuck at the point at which the old file’s download was at when it was cancelled.
  • We fixed an issue that could result in the Japanese Input Method Editor (IME) periodically showing the candidate window in the upper left corner of the desktop and not being able to enter text into the Office 2016 apps and some other text editors.

Og liste over kjente feil:

  • Double-clicking on an Excel document to open it from File Explorer will crash Microsoft Excel. The workaround is to open the document from within Excel.
  • Microsoft Studios games like Microsoft Sudoku, Jigsaw, Minesweeper, Taptiles, and Treasure Hunt may freeze at the splash screen on launch


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