iOS 13.1.3 er lansert. Det samme er samme versjon til iPadOS.


Nå må du oppdatere iPhone og Mac – haugevis med feilrettinger

Apple har igjen sluppet en iOS 13-oppdatering, denne gang i form av 13.1.3.

Oppdatert, 19:38:

Også macOS Catalina har fått sin første oppdatering i form av en “Supplemental Update” med følgende feilrettinger:

– Improves installation reliability of ‌macOS Catalina‌ on Macs with low disk space
– Fixes an issue that prevented Setup Assistant from completing during some installations
– Resolves an issue that prevents accepting iCloud Terms and Conditions when multiple ‌iCloud‌ accounts are logged in
– Improves the reliability of saving Game Center data when playing Apple Arcade games offline


iOS 13.1.3 og iPadOS 13.1.3 rulles ut nå

Også iPadOS oppdateres til 13.1.3, i tillegg er iPod Touch også med.

Det er ingen nye funksjoner å finne, selvsagt, de kommer i iOS 13.2 som foreløpig er i beta-testing.

I stedet fokuserer denne på å rette feil og forbedrer iPhone, ifølge den knappe meldingen fra Apple.

Dette er rettet, iPhone

– Addresses an issue that could prevent a device from ringing or vibrating for an incoming call
– Fixes an issue that may prevent opening a meeting invite in Mail
– Resolves an issue where data in the Health app may not display correctly after daylight savings time adjusts
– Fixes an issue where Voice Memos recordings may not download after restoring from iCloud Backup
– Addresses an issue where apps might fail to download when restoring from ‌iCloud‌ Backup
– Fixes an issue that can prevent Apple Watch from pairing successfully
– Resolves an issue where notifications may not be received on ‌Apple Watch‌
– Fixes an issue where Bluetooth may disconnect on certain vehicles
– Improves connection reliability of Bluetooth hearing aids and headsets
– Addresses launch performance for apps that use Game Center

Dette er rettet, iPad

– Fixes an issue that may prevent opening a meeting invite in Mail
– Fixes an issue where Voice Memos recordings may not download after restoring from ‌iCloud‌ Backup
– Addresses an issue where apps might fail to download when restoring from ‌iCloud‌ Backup
– Improves connection reliability of Bluetooth hearing aids and headsets
– Addresses launch performance for apps that use Game Center
