Microsoft oppdaterer retningslinjene på Xbox Live.
Microsoft oppdaterer retningslinjene på Xbox Live.


Nå må du gjøre dette for å beholde Xbox-gamertaget ditt

Microsoft har oppdatert retningslinjene for Xbox Live og har lagt til en rekke nye regler.

Forbyr terrorinnhold
De nye retningslinjene innebærer blant annet at må være innlogget minst én gang til Xbox Services i løpet av en femårsperiode for å beholde gamertaget (brukernavnet på Xbox Live). Hvis du ikke gjør det risikerer du å miste kallenavnet og at det blir tilgjengelig for andre brukere.

En annen nyhet er at Microsoft nå forby brukere å legge ut terrorrelatert materiale på det sosiale spillnettverket.

Les også: Nå selges Xbox One for 1800 kroner.


Mange oppdateringer
Dette er de andre oppdateringene til retningslinjene på Xbox Live:

  • In the Work or School Accounts section, we’ve added a notice that your separate work or school terms apply if you sign in with a work or school email address.
  • In the Payment Terms section, we’ve clarified that customers agree to keep their account and payment information up to date. We’ve also clarified procedures for automatic renewal of Services.
  • For customers living outside of the United States and China, we’ve also added that some transactions might require foreign currency conversion or be processed in another country.
  • For customers living outside of the United States and China, in the Contracting Entity, Choice of Law, & Location for Resolving Disputes section, we’ve added that if you are using the free service in Singapore or Hong Kong, you are contracting with Microsoft Regional Sales Corp.
  • In the Xbox Live and Microsoft Studios Games and Applications section, we’ve clarified that, if allowed by your Xbox privacy settings, Microsoft can publish your name, gamertag, gamerpic, motto, avatar, and games that you’ve played in communications to people on your Xbox friends list. We’ve added that for any device that can connect to Xbox Services, we may automatically check your version of Xbox console software or the Xbox App software and download Xbox console or Xbox App software updates or configuration changes, including those that prevent you from accessing the Xbox Services, using unauthorized Xbox games or Xbox apps, or using unauthorized hardware peripheral devices with an Xbox console.
  • In the Store section, we’ve deleted provisions that required separate terms for business organizations that provide access to private store experiences.
  • We’ve added a new section for group messaging services.
  • In the Skype section, we’ve added updates to address changes to Skype Manager functionality. We’ve also added a new section for GroupMe services.
  • We’ve added a new section for Bing Places services.
  • For customers living outside of China, we’ve added a new section for Microsoft Health and Microsoft Band.
  • We’ve moved the rights associated with digital goods (including music, images, video, text, books, games and other content) into its own section.
  • We’ve added a new section for OneDrive services.
  • In the Standard Application License Terms, we’ve clarified that additional terms may apply to applications you download from the Windows Store or the Xbox Store.

Hvis du ikke har vært logget inn på Xbox Live på en stund, men ønsker å beholde gamertaget, har du uansett god tid på deg. De nye retningslinjene trer ikke i kraft før 15. september.


Windows Central
