
11.september-viruset er her

Viruseksperten Virus112 kan nå advare mot et nytt virus som benytter seg av 11.september-katastrofen til å lokke deg til å åpne det infiserte vedlegget.

Viruset har fått betegnelsen W32.Chet.A. Det er snakk om en e-post med emne «All people!!», og vedlegget 11september.exe.

Og ja, riktig…du skal IKKE åpne vedlegget.

Sprer seg via Outlook

W32.Chet.A karakteriseres ikke som spesielt destruktiv, men følger den vanlige rutingen med å sende seg selv videre til alle Outlook-kontaktene dine.


I tillegg vil den prøve å sende alle e-postadresser, IP-adresser, og navn den finner på den infiserte maskinen til en rekke faste e-postmottakere, ifølge Virus112.

Slik ser mailen ut

Fra: [email protected]

Emne: All people!!

Tekst: Dear ladies and gentlemen! The given letter does not contain viruses, and is not Spam. We ask you to be in earnest to this letter. As you know America and England have begun bombardment of Iraq, cause of its threat for all the world. It isn’t the truth. The real reason is in money laundering and also to cover up traces after acts of terrorism September, 11, 2001. Are real proofs of connection between Bush and Al-Qaeda necessary for you? Please! There is a friendly dialogue between Bin Laden and the secretary of a state security of USA in the given photos.In the following photo you’ll see, how FBI discusses how to strike over New York to lose people as much as possible. And the document representing the super confidential agreement between CIA and Al-Qaeda is submitted to your attention. All this circus was specially played to powder brains!! You’ll find out the truth. Naked truth, instead of TV showed. For your convenience, and to make letter less, all documentary materials (photos and MS Word documents) are located in one EXE file. Open it, and all materials will be installed on your computer. You will receive the freshest and classified documents automatically from our site. It isn’t a virus! You can trust us absolutely. We hope, that it will open your eyes on many things occurring in this world.

Vedlegg: 11september.exe
